Saturday, December 8, 2007

There'll be songs to sing, every family's a choir!

I've been inspired by BigMama and have decided to share a few of the Christmas songs that I've been playing over...and over...and over for the past few weeks.

I'm loving all of these songs. Some of them, like Natalie Cole's rendition of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" bring back childhood memories. Some are guilty pleasures...namely Britney Spears! Many of them I simply love for the beautiful, simple melodies or for incredible vocals.

Enjoy...but please don't judge my taste in music too harshly!

Well, that's new.

I spent the better part of the morning in Walmart, waiting on that oil change. I did a little Christmas shopping, but then I settled down in the waiting room with a copy of InStyle, because it's much easier to ignore the snoring of the guy sitting across from me (not even kidding!) if my mind is filled with thoughts of Christian Lacroix, Valentino and Balenciaga. As I flipped through, this ad definitely caught my eye.

In case you can't read that little pink block, here's what it says:"The First Couture Fragrance for Dogs""Pawfum, Shampoo,Conditioner,Nail Polish"
And really, I have no words.
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Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'm in a really grumpy mood right now. My day started out great, but around 3:30, for no reason at all, the blues set in. And you, my dear friends, have the distinct pleasure of hearing about what has contributed to the grumpiness.

  • My passenger-side headlight is out and I need an oil change, which means I get to sit in a Walmart waiting room in the near future.
  • Some dumb Walmart employee refused to pick up the phone when I called to see how long I should expect to sit in their lovely waiting room.
  • I really wanted Arby's roast beef and curly fries for dinner...but the nearest one is ten miles from my house.
  • The belt that I chose to complete my outfit today and the fact that I was going for an hourglass figure meant that I didn't breathe for most of the day.
  • All the telephone lines in Frisco are covered with birds. This happens every evening at this time and I hate it.

So, now that I've actually written these things down, I see how petty and stupid they are. Please forgive me for taking your time! But thanks for listening...I feel better.