Tuesday, September 2, 2008

These are a few of my favorite places

I took the day off work today, fully intending to clean and do laundry all day. Well, I got the laundry done (no thanks to a power outage mid-day), but the cleaning took a backseat to my latest home dec project.

On my last two trips (to California and DC) I picked one picture as my favorite and had it enlarged and framed it. Today, though, I decided to go through a bunch of old pictures and pick out pictures that represented my favorite places. The result is the wall that you see above.

The places range from Fair Park in Dallas to Arlington Cemetery. Some of them are widely recognized as beautiful, such as Alaska and the Bahamas. For most of them, though, such as Derby, Kansas and Culiacan, Mexico, the appeal lies in the memories. Still others wouldn't be recognizable to anyone but my own family...the backyard of the home where I grew up or the bird fountain in my grandparent's front yard.

Anyone who knows me knows how nostalgic I am. This is just the latest expression of that nostalgia. Call it a scrapbook on a wall, if you will!