Friday, September 7, 2007

My love for autumn

Autumn on the Blue Ridge Parkway (Yep...I left that for TX!)

It's absolutely no secret that I love autumn. It's my favorite season for so many reasons. I love the scents, the flavors, the sights, the weather, the clothes, even the name. sounds so refreshing!

Just a few of the things I love about autumn...some of them covered in more detail in previous posts.

-Football - the Carolina Panthers and the McKinney Youth Football League's 5th grade version of the New Orleans Saints.

-The colors. Orange (see previous post for more details on this obsession) and green are everywhere. In nature, in fashion, you name it.

-The foods. My mom grew up in Adams County, PA, the heart of apple country and passed on a great love for all things apple. Among the dumplings filled with tons of cinnamon sugar and butter and topped with a generous scoop of Blue Bell (that's the Texan in me!) vanilla bean ice cream.

-New episodes of Grey's Anatomy and The Office.

-The clothes. Sweaters, great jeans, boots...what's not to love? And have you seen the velvet blazers at J. Crew? I'm in love.

-Cool breezes. Granted, these are not usually felt in TX in early September, but I'm holding onto hope.


Miss Mommy said...

You're crazy to leave that!!

We are planning on taking Rebes apple picking as soon as she's better! Then, in a little while, pumpkin picking!

Thinking of you as leaves start to fall and it actually feels cooler...

Mommy Parr said...

I feel the same way and of course I am thinking about the food also. My thoughts however revolve around fall meat and potato dishes...I have a pot roast in the crock pot right now! LY

Rach said...

Oh, apple picking! I love it! And pumpkin patches were among my favorite things as a kid. Although strawberry patches did brighten the summer, too!

See Sarah, that's the difference between you and me! Your thoughts immediately go to cooking and mine to baking! Cooking involves too many green things!

Miss Mommy said...

Y'all are funny!

It has been under 60 degrees today! Yippee, except that I don;t have fall clothes for Rebes yet!